Nur Fayidha Restaurant Menu Singapore | Updated Prices 2024

If you are looking for the latest Nur Fayidha Restaurant menu, then you have arrived at the right place. Explore a comprehensive Nur Fayidha Restaurant menu Singapore along with an images and updated prices.

Nur Fayidha Restaurant Singapore Menu 2024

  • Combo
  • Dosai
  • Noodles
  • Fruit Juice
  • Pratas
  • Roti John
  • Sides
  • Beverages

Nur Fayidha Restaurant Menu Combo

Roti John Combo (Cheese Fries + Iced Milo)S$16.00
Chicken Briyani Combo (Nuggests + Iced Milo)S$17.00

Nur Fayidha Restaurant Menu Pratas

Nur Fayidha Restaurant Menu
Tissue Milk PrataS$3.30
Tissue Special PrataS$4.80
Prata BombS$3.50
Prata ButterS$3.00
Prata ChocolateS$3.50
Prata StrawberryS$2.80
Prata MiloS$3.50
Prata HoneyS$2.80
Honey Cheese PrataS$4.80
Prata HotdogS$2.80
Prata Hotdog CheeseS$4.80
Masala PrataS$5.10
Garlic PrataS$3.00
Plain PrataS$1.50
Prata EmiratesS$7.00
Kerala Prata with MuttonS$9.80
Egg PrataS$2.20
Egg Onion PrataS$2.80
Egg Onion Chili PrataS$3.50

Nur Fayidha Restaurant Menu Dosai

Nur Fayidha Restaurant Menu Dosai prices
Chicken DosaiS$7.30
Masala DosaiS$4.30
Masala Egg DosaiS$3.80
Cheese DosaiS$3.60
Egg DosaiS$4.80
Sardine DosaiS$7.00
Onion DosaiS$3.60
Plain DosaiS$1.80
Garlic DosaiS$3.30

Nur Fayidha Restaurant Menu Roti John

Nur Fayidha Restaurant Menu Roti John Prices
Roti John MuttonS$6.80
Roti John ChickenS$6.80
Roti John CheeseS$7.80
Roti John Mutton CheeseS$6.80
Roti John MushroomS$6.80
Roti John SpecialS$9.30
Roti John SardineS$7.00
Roti John TunaS$8.30

Nur Fayidha Restaurant Menu Noodles

Maggi Goreng ChickenS$7.30
Maggi Goreng Thai AyamS$8.80
Maggi Goreng SeafoodS$8.80
Mee Goreng AyamS$8.80
Mee Goreng MuttonS$8.80
Mee Goreng BeefS$8.80
Mee Goreng Thai SeafoodS$8.80
Mee Goreng PattayaS$8.80
Maggi Goreng MamakS$4.80
Maggi Fish Cake ChikcenS$6.80
Maggi Goreng MushroomS$7.30
Maggi Chicken CheeseS$8.30
Maggi with Fry ChickenS$8.30
Maggi MuttonS$6.80
Maggi Mutton CheeseS$8.30
Maggi Goreng Hot DogS$7.30
Maggi SoupS$4.80
Maggi Soup AyamS$8.30
Maggi Mutton SoupS$6.80
Maggi Goreng PattayaS$7.80
Mee Hoon AyamS$7.30

Nur Fayidha Restaurant Menu Sides

Cheese FriesS$6.00
Nuggets (5 pieces)S$6.00
Samoosa (4 pieces)S$6.00
Chicken Wings (3 pieces)S$5.00

Nur Fayidha Restaurant Menu Fruit Juice

Orange JuiceS$4.00
Chocolate ShakeS$4.30
Sweet LassiS$4.50
Salt LassiS$3.30
Mango LassiS$4.30
Apple JuiceS$5.00
Red Apple JuiceS$3.30
Pineapple JuiceS$5.30
Carrot JuiceS$4.30
Mango JuiceS$3.30
Lemon JuiceS$2.80
Apple ShakeS$4.30
Mango ShakeS$4.30
Sharjah ShakeS$5.30
Malabar ShakeS$5.30
Strawberry ShakeS$4.30

Nur Fayidha Restaurant Menu Beverages

Teh OS$1.20
Teh O LimauS$1.70
Teh HaliaS$1.60
Teh CinoS$1.80
Kopi OS$1.20
Iced SirapS$1.80
Iced Sirap LimauS$2.20
Iced Sirap BandungS$2.30
Iced LimauS$2.30
Honey LemonS$2.50
Iced Lemon TeaS$1.70
Iced LaiciS$2.80
Milo DinosaurS$3.80
Teh O Longan IceS$3.00
Longan IceS$2.50
Teh O LycheeS$3.00

What Are Alternatives Of Nur Fayidha Restaurant Menu?

Nur Fayidha Restaurant Singapore Outlets Location, Opening Hours, And Contact Information


2 Pahang St,

Singapore 198604

Opening Hours:  

Open 24 Hours

Phone: +65 8163 2257

All the information embedded within this response has been gathered from the following source of nur fayidha restaurant singapore:


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